Slusher, Verlie Phillips

amem_sunbeams.jpgVerlie Marshall Phillips Slusher, 85, of Christiansburg, passed away Thursday, February 28, 2019. She was preceded in death by her parents, Wyatt and Ocie Marshall; two husbands, Berlie Phillips and Ferd Slusher; an infant daughter; and brother, Kirby Marshall.

She is survived by a special niece, JoAnn Smith of Tucson, Ariz.; four stepsons, Wayne Slusher of Mt. Vernon, Wash., Gary Slusher of Aberdeen, Wash., Terry Slusher of Columbus, Ga., and Michael Slusher of New York; two stepdaughters, Ann Peterson of Belton, Mo., and Michele Paterson of Michigan; 10 step-grandchildren and 14 step great-grandchildren; nephew, Carlie Marshall and his wife Sherry of Christiansburg; and many other relatives and friends.

Graveside services will be conducted on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 11 a.m. at Indian Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in Indian Valley with Elder Tim Whitten officiating.

The Slusher family is in the care of Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory in Radford.